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Hey guys!

So, I picked up my PC from the service and I have some good news and some bad news. The good news are that every data and tool is safe and secure where I left them. So big HOORAY!

The bad news are that the SSD with the windows malfunctioned and it was replaced and reinstalled, which means that, basicly nothing works, including Daz studio. 

I think it's still a big win that my main hard drive survived, but still, it will take me some time to make everything work as before. I will try to work things out this weekend so I have something ready before the end of the month, but there are no promises. I know this month was pretty bad in updated, so I can understand if most people will refuse payment for this month. I can only promise that I will try to work extra hard next month.

Also, I really want to thank everyone for their support and help during these stressful days, it meant a lot. You can't imagine how scared I was to loose everything that I worked so hard for all these years, but it was a really good lesson how vulnerable I was. I need to be much more careful with back ups.

And lastly, this is for other artists who use Daz studio. Maybe you had something similar before. While I can't use my version after the windows reinstall, I still have all the files from the previous install. Is it possible to launch it somehow without reinstalling, like how the games still launch after a windows reinstall? Or if I save the entire daz studio library on an external hard drive, then I reinstall DAZ to my PC where it originally was, can I override it with the old files?  


Robert Louis Stoll

Unless you obtained it by other means you should be able to redownload the software from the developer site, no?


Daz use your windows/user folder to work, fortunatly you can save your work on another drive. Also if you have an account with Daz everything you got there will be available once you log on.


Hey, thank you for the idea. I had my version installed a little complicated years ago so I need to manually reset everyting. But I checked the file on the C: drive what you mentioned and I found a "My DAZ 3D Library" which was empty. I'm not sure if it should have something in it or not because I never checked previously. When I try to start Daz (not reinstalled, just the full backed up program copied back to its original place) I can see the launch picture, but it never loads the program.


Depends in which folder you had them at first just put them in the respective folders they were and it should work thats how most programs work that i know of


That's how I know it too, but I can't put it to work no matter what I try. So I guess I need to reinstall the whole thing. But I might be able to overwrite the reinstalled files with the old ones. That might put me back to where I left it.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Things could have been much worse. Glad your content survived. My personal recommendation is to just re-install everything. If you are using DIM, then you should be able to reinstall DAZ, and then just set it to download and re-install everything. Walk away and come back later. As far as I know, you can't just copy the program folder and run DAZ by clicking the EXE. However, you should be able to copy your "My Daz Library" to and from another drive. Though I'm not sure how that affects registered plugins.

Jebediah Kerman

well if u need me to help u build a computer thats my job i can walk you through the process


Really? That's cool. I usually let my local shop put together my PC's and they did a great job so far. But I always like to have second opinions from professionals. I'm not too familiar with the hardware part, so I need to rely on others in this matter. So, I would like to hear your opinion as well, if that's okay.