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Hey guys!

I just don't get any break this month. What can go wrong, has gone wrong so far, and yesterday was no exception.

I'm writing this in the short time I have. 

During work on the last posts for this month, My PC just froze up out of nowhere. I didn't thought anything about it, I mean, it happens to everyone time to time, right? I was furious to restart the workprocess from an older save but what can I do. Then after one hour it happened again, reboot. Than it happened again 30 minutes later. 

Now I know it's not normal. I tried to do some checkups myself to solve the issue, but nothing worked. So today I will bring my PC to my trusted computer service shop. I hope nothing serious is going on and I can resume work tomorrow, and hopefully finish everything before the end of the month. But if things are more serious, well, that would mean reinstalling and resetting everything which could mean some serious delays.

Just wanted to let everyone know in advance. Also, did anyone encounter a similar issue? Mine started with firefox crashing to the desktop and the PC froze completely. I needed a hard reboot. I'm using win 7, could this be some update issue with something?





Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully none of your work will be lost. Take as long as you need to sort things out.


Yeah, that's bad... check if the drive you use for virtual memory isn't full, dust off the inside and replug everything, maybe remove the RAM and clean it with alcohol, but you probably need to change it. Might as well for W10.


Computer problems can have many different sources. For example this could be due to a hard drive problem, like a failing hard drive. It could be that the system drive is too full. It could be an issue with memory. It could be malware and or anti malware overreacting. I've seen windows update lock up computers too, typically standard mechanical spinning disk hdd can have their performance locked up by windows update and make the whole system slow to the point it seems frozen. My guess though would be not enough ram, or hdd full, or hdd performance slow and something eating it up like win update or security scan.


Could also be overheating but that usually shuts down computer.


Next year I will buy a brand new PC with all the latest things, including Win10.


I saved all my progress, so hopefully nothing will be lost. And thank you :)


Yes, I did most of that immediately. The memory and the windows are a different matter tho. I plan to buy a new PC next year with win10, so it needs to keep up for a few more months if possible. We'll see what the expert say to it later today.


Luckily I can scratch out most of those things. I always tried to keep my PC good maintained, but sadly it's getting a little old. But I will check what you said before I go to the shop. Thank you.


Also, if it's a laptop sometimes when the battery goes the computer thinks it has charge when it doesn't so you can get power issues. Can also have power issues from dying power supply. Power issues can look like all kinds of issues which sucks.


Yikes. Hopefully you're backing things up on a cloud somewhere. I lost all of my work to a dead computer back when I first started doing this and it stopped me entirely for years. Really sorry to hear about this. :(

Mr. Phoenyxx

That is terrible news! Don't worry about the comics and posting. Just get your PC taken care of. So long as the drive isn't totally dead, you shouldn't lose any of your work. I hope they get it figured out and fixed soon though, and that it's not a big issue. :)


I'm really glad you're physically okay. The start of the post had me worried.

Bal tha mele

I pray to the computer gods for a speedy resolution!!


I have had a similar issue, years and years ago. PC just froze up, and I had to fully turn of off power and restart. In my case, it turned out to be a faulty RAM module, which I could temporarily solve by removing that one and running PC with the rest of it. There was a program called MemTest I used to confirm the issue further. Maybe that is helpful to you. All the best for resolving this soon.


So that happened when you wanished back then? I didn't know. I was lucky that my main HDD survived, but still lost my SSD with the windows. It was reinstalled and now nothing really works.


Yeah, I wrote it quickly before I froze again. Mybe it became a bit too dramatic. But thank you very much for worrying for me :)


Oh? Thank you for the tip. It turned out that my issue was with my SSD where the windows was installed.