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I might need a couple more days to finish the demo so I don't absolutely destroy myself. If you were supporting me this month for the demo, fear not. I will release it for anyone in my Discord to download. A public post will go up containing the information when it's ready, almost certainly within the next week. :)

Enjoy the image and story, and we'll be back to art full time after the demo is out!




You should turn this kinda stuff into Turn lore :V


lol. I don't understand how I can come up with so many incompatible concepts and people keep wanting me to jam it all into a Cora-verse. <3


Thanks for the art! I love the story and I'm also excited for the Turn update :D


Purrdy panda! Red pandas are my 2nd favorite behind only snow leopards <3

Xaziana Tenebris

What's the current version number? I don't think I have the latest build :(


The latest build was 0.210, and had a pretty large bug if you died at all.


So this is some kind of brain wash story ?? or she just switch the side by her self ?

Little Napoleon

Great worldbuilding in this picture! You have an incredible knack for developing engaging lore! Actually, building on what Wat suggested, whipping up a Turn related comic or two might be helpful on two fronts-- 1. Introducing and easing your existing patrons into the world of Turn, making them more invested and more likely to make the jump in supporting your game efforts. 2. Creating content that you can include as bonus material in-game or in a Turn Complete Edition (incl. the game, the soundtrack, & an artbook featuring said comics ^^) Just some thoughts! Really looking forward to the upcoming early access!


She's being held captive in a cell for now. But slave breaking/training is a long and complicated process. A lot could happen.


The Cell could easily be adapted into a Turn story when its time comes. That doesn't seem hokey though?


i need to ransack my nearest animid business *right fucking now*


makes me want to see this girls transformation