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For real this time, haha. I mislabeled the last upload. Couple more coming in the next week since I'm working on this instead of programming at the moment. :)




Thank you, Miss Blue.

Jon G

I'm invested in where this goes and I really want to see more so I hope this criticism comes across as well meaning as it is intended: I think panel two seems off with the way the breasts and penis appear, to me they look like two spheres and a stick in how cleanly they are drawn and the spacing between them. Just in case it’s a matter of colouring I made a greyscale version to compare but against your wonderful lines of Inheritance and Deadbeat I do think the femme character’s body seems off in this one. Not enough to ruin anything, but enough that I wanted to make the point in the hope of seeing better. But still, I am enjoying this and am looking forward to seeing the conclusion.


Thanks for the critique. There is an explanation here and I hope it's not too egregious. Here it is: I drew up to page 8 the last time I tried to make this comic. The panel was already made. I tried to save some time by 'salvaging' some of the old art. Here's what it originally looked like for reference. https://i.imgur.com/m6HOBbP.png Very much improved but still old lines. For that I apologize. Everything from this point on is new lines though.