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The votes came in pretty clear. Over 80% of respondents would prefer a simpler monthly setup. Over the next few hours I'll be changing it. As far as pricing goes, if you're not capped you should see your contributions to me drop by 25-50% for the same content. That is great news for you guys, I hope.

You will need to resign up for rewards. I apologize for the inconvenience. Patreon doesn't allow me to change it t o prevent abuse.

To the 12% of respondents who preferred I remain Per Creation, I suspect you're capped and I deeply apologize for any inconvenience this causes. In the worst case scenario you'll have your contribution double from $1 to $2. All I can say is that I hope to prove worthy of that particular increase with the level of content I plan on releasing.

Last year we released almost two full chapters of BnE and four side stories. We'll have even more this year. I'm pretty excited and I'm looking forward to all the new stuff we release together.



should we readjust our pledges to match what we were paying?


That's entirely up to you. To recap, you'll only pay once now instead of every two pages. The new reward tiers are listed on the main page. If all you care about is reading the comic then the $2 level is what you want.


so do I have to change my pledge to update so I properly get informed for new pages again? or is that automatic on the change going life? :o


Its still automatic. I'm not charging this month. Reason being that next month charge up front will be activated and I didn't want to hit Patrons twice at once. Hence the mini hiatus. :)


I donated how come I can’t see the comics in full?


Monthly basis? Ohhh, I think I might contribute in the future!