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This poll is for all Patrons as I'd like as much feedback from all tiers as possible.

As we move into this new year, I've seriously begun to consider switching to monthly charges. This is for a few reasons.

1) The stream schedule has allowed me to release loads more content than I did a year ago, resulting in more paid posts. A $5 pledge is more like $15-$20 a month now.

2) Charging for every other page is confusing.

3) I think I've become trustworthy enough on this platform that a simpler monthly fee is warranted.

Please let me know what you'd prefer. The $1 recurring pledge would increase to a single $2.50. The old $5 pledge would become something like $8-10 if this goes through. That saves you money with the amount I'm posting now unless you're capped.

Are you capped? Would this be worth it? What are your feelings?



I voted for monthly just because i think it's easier to manage for you the artist, and I can up my pledge to match what it would have been previously based on content

Sam Karve

I've always wondered why it was per creation. I've never thought that you just sit on your bum just to spite us. Keep up the dedication Cora!


voted <3


I've already capped my pledge so it's been basically a monthly charge for me all along. Not too sure what to think about raising the bar of entry. $1 to read porn is fair, $3 may scare off people. I donno.


No problem for monthly if it can release some pressure for you and make your incomes more constant :-)


monthly as it'll relive your stress and ease some of our wallets as some like me cant keep up payment when you do per creation but ultimently its up to you cora


I'm currently capped for once a month at $3, but I would be fine with it going up to $5 per month. Whatever works best for you.

Little Napoleon

I'm all for whatever's easiest for you!


It sounds like it'd be more convenient for you to switch, so if that's the case I'm all for it.


Looks like the vote for is pretty much a landslide, but I'll throw my two bits in and say I agree to switching to monthly. Def not a prob with me

Merv DeGriff

Given the transaction charges, monthly looks like the way to go.


Well to clarify just in case there's confusion, the only transaction changes are mine. Patreon backed down from the fee change.


I kind of like every other page. I think you should be rewarded for increased productivity and caps are always an option.


I currenty vote 5, but capped on once per month. It's easier for me to manage and to foresee. If you switch to monthly I might go to 10 per month, now that I know where things are headed.