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I hope everyone is well and is able to enjoy the summer or weather in general.

I paused the charge for August and if you keep the pledge going into August you'll keep all access for the entirety of August, like always.

Where I've been:

I fell into some motivational hole and I had/have a hard time climbing out of it. The feel of having to step away from my PC altogether for 1-2 weeks keeps increasing and I didn't do that for YEARS but I currently have no short-term solution for that. I don't like to do something alone and friends and family were busy. I don't think I'll be able to do something this year and the guilt of owing you guys some content keeps increasing.
I finished re-working and re-rendering the part of Project Chastice I already had in 4K, did some changes and proceeded working on it. At some point the feel of nothing is good enough kept increasing while simultanously pressuring myself to work on content and it kept stressing me out really badly to a point were I had to step away from it.
I'm constantly doing something in Blender, trying to improve my skills, learn new techniques and expand my tools so I really doubt that it has anything to do with being lazy, honestly.
I'm appreciating all of you guys for the insane support over the years. I don't do what I do just for the money and if it's possible for me I'll always pause the charge when I don't deliver content. I did this intensively the past months maybe even 1-2 years and I really have to get my shit together now. Funds are limited because of that, I'm fully transparent here and this means you definitely can expect some content the upcoming months.
I'm honestly not sure why I don't keep you updated on those things regularly, I guess it's shame, guilt and things inbetween. I'm trying to better myself in that regard and do better.

What's going to happen now:

Next to Project Chastice and A Succu(lent) Bond I've a few things planned for August but I'm not sure in which order and how much I get done so I keep it under wraps for now. I definitely will force myself to post some WIPs of everything ASAP. I got some smaller things done the past 1 month which I'll share in a seperate post.

Anyway, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the insane amount of patience you granted me and I'll do my best to not having to rely on it so much anymore.

Take care and see you in the next post.

P.S.: I changed my reward folders now permanently to MEGA instead of Dropbox. Increased traffic kept locking access, Dropbox is more expensive and has worse tools.



Heres Hoping things get better :) and Im ok new job from March is doing ok. Summer heat is bit much but Summer is almost over :)


Quite hot sometimes here too but it fluctuates a lot which is nice. Glad to hear things at work are going well for you.

Jacob Barboza

Please take the time you need for mental health. Hopefully you can get enough done soon you feel alright with taking our money, because it sounds like you need it, XD.