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I wanted to go ahead and share the full line up for next months release. New poses, new pieces, and all new supports for everything! I can safely say, its the largest dragon release I've ever done.

Hope you all like them. Ill be getting a little video together next week as well.

- Forest Dragon ( Regal pose) ( 220mm long/ 75mm base) 

- Forest Dragon ( Guardian Wings) (320mm tall/ 75mm base) 

- Vile Steel Dragon ( Original pose/ New Wings) (270mm tall/ 100mm base) 

- Vile Steel Dragon ( Flight pose breathing fire) ( 215mm tall/ 125mm base) 

- Gold Dragon ( Original Stoic Pose) (230mm tall/ 100mm base) 

- Dragon Born Berzerker ( Attack Pose) (50mm tall) 

---- 4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human) 

---- 3x torsos ( wing variations) 

---- 3x legs ( tail variations) 

---- 3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace) 

- Dragon Born Berzerker ( taunting pose) (50mm tall) 

---- 4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human) 

---- 3x torsos ( wing variations) 

---- 3x legs ( tail variations) 

---- 3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace) 

- Dragon Born Berzerker ( Stoic pose) (50mm tall) 

---- 4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human) 

---- 3x torsos ( wing variations) 

---- 3x legs ( tail variations) 

---- 3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace) 

- Enslaved Construct ( 125mm tall/ 50mm base) 

- Lich Giant ( 130mm tall/ 100mm base) 

- Monument Hobbies 3rd quater rewards 

---- Scifi Hunter (75mm mini) 

---- Native Female (75mm mini)



Jake Ezzo

YOOO whats that dude with the gun? :O Is that a hint that more like that might be on the horizon?! :o


Im too afraid to do scifi, building everything off of fantasy. That guy and the female native were part of "Monument Hobbies" quarterly stuff. Iam slowly working on a KS that is scifi though! Its still a ways away, sadly.


just joined up your stuff is awesome! loving the Lich Giant, definitely going to be printing and painting that first as a proxy for my AoS ghosts :-)