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        I have come to the decision that from this point on, I will be doing large asset drops at the beginning of every month. This is the final version of this page, aside from extra minis I might do throughout the month, as extra minis for current supporters. Example being: Januarys assets will be what is released on the beginning of February, for supporters and new supporters, to receive.

       This seems to be a standard practice among patreons so that you guys, and potential supporters, arent left in the dark about what they get. I get asked, way to often "so what do I get if I join". I feel like this method will answer that question. I will still have the weekly polls up for you guys to do all the same voting. What I create is still in your hands, for the upcoming month.

       I will begin this 100% in February. The rest of this month, everything I create, I will still release right when I finish. Beginning February, I will be putting all the minis in a folder, and releasing them the beginning of the following month. Feel free to voice your thoughts. If Iam anything, Im very open to opinions from others. Im just trying to find the best way to entice people to stick around and keep supporters loving what I do.I set up a poll for you all to further participate.

This will also eliminate issues like we had with the red dragon pose 2. I can now do proper testing on all minis and you all wont have to waste resin or filament, finding out that they dont work either.

If you choose, "I have a question, something seems off" or "wont work for me" please message me or leave a comment. The feedback will help. Theres also a good chance I can put your mind at ease or fix the issue you are having with this. Do not feel like your opinon or thoughts will be ignored. I will do my best to consider all avenues.

 UPDATE: So that you guys that are current patrons are properly compensated for this month of catch up. I will be doing 4 extra minis in February that will not be in the release of March, they will go only to the current patrons. At the end of the month, Ill do a poll for what 4 minis I create. Maybe a series of something!?



This will be much better versus constantly checking throughout the month if there are new additions. The current files i've gotten from here will take a long time to print anyway and new stuff can wait. Anything I download from this point will likely be viewed on the PC and not be printed at least for another month (3 months in my case) so I can certainly be happy with just seeing progress updates from Lee here. Less time for Lee spent on uploading and re-uploading items as they're finished means more time for him to work on more projects :D


Thanks Binggy! It will save time. Sadly the best example is right now. Those big changes I had to make to the red dragon, pose 2, it put me behind with Baphomet by a bit more than a day! Ill probably post a couple head pics, to tease you guys, later tonight


I'm subscribing to multiple miniature sculptors here on Patreon. The ones that have been doing it for a few months and are releasing quality material are doing very good for themselves financially and can give all their focus to sculpting. For some of them, this allows them to get way ahead, and they have miniatures already sculpted for the next 3 months, just to make sure everything is ready to go on release date. When they do polls about what to sculpt next, it's for three months down the road. I know you're new to this, but as you get enough patrons to support you, I'm sure you'll start to get ahead as well and have plenty of time to have all the bugs worked out and the files optimized long before we get them.