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Incoming cheesy font! We just rolled passed the 200 mark. Im blown away by you guys. I came into patreon with no expectations. Thinking, "how many people will really want what I make". When I saw the first 10 people join, I was actually surprised, when there were 50 of you, I was ecstatic and was hopeful I could keep 50 people happy... so now, being at 200, I dont know what to say. Even now, I have no expectations of where this page should go, I just want people to enjoy the art I create. Thats really all I could hope for. Time to keep moving forward with the minis, I guess :) Again, I thank you all for being a part of this and want you to know, this is just the beginning! As for the picture, its an extra sculpt Ill be prepping and giving you all this up coming week, in celebration of hitting this big number.




Word of mouth helps. I and many others have been singing your praises a lot on Facebook and elsewhere. And we do so because you're producing some of the best work in the marketplace. Seriously, that big Remorhaz is epic in every way.


speaking of that fella, I gotta post the pics! Ive been spamming posts a bit today, Ill wait until tomorrow for that. Thats a huge compliment, believe it or not, its a bit overwhelming, especially with everyone else being so damn nice.


I second this post. I made a post on reddit in the 3d minis subreddit and suggested they add you to their list of recommended patreons.


I couldnt remember who asked about it earlier on!. After I finish the baphomets tomorrow, ill be cutting him up for you guys.