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Hey hey, thanks again for being mah patreon.
Thank you for support me another month and I'm glad to say that you can invest on my learning, or ño;

What to say, in this time i'm just turned off, since i still have to wait until friday to get my new payoneer card (that i'm not sure if will arrive safe bcs i don't trust on my mail center) and that's why i can't withdraw a payment, in adition to have to refund at least 15 patreons that i need to change their tiers, i really dunno how much i saved past month:

I'm just tired, not physically necessary: i'm just tired to wait for powers that surpass me, and since i'm that kind of guy who has to take speed to start running, bad news or even no-news make me be quiet for a while and then the day finish and i feel bad bcs i felt not enough and cold and tired and i just want to close my eyes and wait for my no-existence for that night.

But well well well, here i am, like the pervious month: i tried to do gud things, and i lost my last paypal account, giving free works,  my ups got broken, the bank stole me half payment of patreon in taxes, two packages are not arriving in time and i met with minecreaft again in my birthday so i played ten hours in a row, alone (anyway that was funny, but i'm sure i'll be wanting to play more the next couple of days JAJJA) I think i just need to start to take drugs and my mexican tv show will be complete.

But welp; this month i'll try again to do my best and if everything goes well, i'll start to be more constant. I hope.


This month i'm finishing my doujin; i had to do it the past 29-30 but since i forgot my own birthday, i had to change my plans bcs relatives came home early, and i prefered to not draw pron both days; anyway it's in the last step so i just need a few hours to finish za last two pages; mmm, i'll re-share the wipus on the wips channel: and as i said i have to delete a few pointless channels on discord now.

Since this will be the first month that i'm just takin commissions via tokens and tickets, i'll be drawing for momononatas bcs they already have many of these: and ASAP i have a gud idea of how to sell packs of tokens for commissions (bcs i noticed that if you change your tier, Patreon charge you just the difference, so i need a new way to sell comms, not with tiers, or i dunno, i need time to plan it)

So that, my plan this month is just: 

  • 'Sell' comms for momononatas, i dunno how many, i think that depends of what they want, but i think i'll be doing it all of the month.
  • I'll finish the Celty's dou: In adition with a cover page and a couple of omakes.
  • The rest of my time i'll be studying english;

I think that's all.
I have many drawings that i didn't finish, like the Arturiass, or Tifa collage, or Shirona's poll but right now i just want to decrease the amount of tokens that momononatas have in order to next month be able to have a normal workflow with a new way to take commissions in certain day of the month, or something like that;

So  well, my priorities are:
Commissions   ==> Comic  ==> English

Changing the topic i copy paste again this message bcs i think various of you don't know:

I'm not sure if you know it, but i don't share sketches here, that's bcs i don't consider them something 'serious' . Or EJEM; bcs i don't want to be punished JAJJAJ, so the most of my content is on za Discord server;

And keep in mind that since latest two months i'm not sharing content here; Even more, i'll deleting my previous posts too maintain patreon just as a transaction page: the content will be on Discord and za MEGA-folder


I'm tired, i re-read my last update and damn it. Everything ended bad.
Now i understand why i'm feeling that nothing make sense when i think in my situation;
Anyway, walk to the future. I'll be fine, I'm Rúru Raida, i'm always fine.



Gahh, stay strong Ruru ❤ we're here to support you!


omg, so many awful things financial are happening to you. please stay strong and do what you have to, to not suffer burn out


Damn it, now that you say it, that's true JAJAJ; all of my problems are financial problems; ah no, i need to go to the dentist and AHGHGH I NEED MONEY TO PAY IT JAJAJA; what a life. Pd: Shuji >:0 change your tier