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This is for the previous didilinoides and cocolinonos. I mean these who paid $3 and $7;
I'll delete that tier soon, so i urge you to change your tier to rurumunon ($1) or new cocolinono ($5) bcs these previous tiers don't work anymore;

Don't worry about the previous payment, i'll refund you, but since i dunno what will happen if i refund you the new month, i prefer you to change your tier first, if you want to continue being a patreon (?)

I mean, i just noticed that if you were in a lower tier and then you start to pay more in another tier, you'll pay the difference, but i dunnno what will happen if you decrease the amount.



It's confirmed: if you're in a lower tier, paying the difference i don't need to refund you: now i want to see what will happen if a cocolinono evolves into a new cocolinono (?