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Hello Hello~

I'll be brief;
As i said arround the month via discord, my current situation is that i can't take regular commissions, and since this is my last way to get paid to draw things, i can't consider this work like something viable for my future: that's why while i can, i'll continue on patreon; i think they won't delete my account, but since i lost two paypal accounts i'm scared to lost patreon;
I think you now believe that i have a solution but ño JAJJA the only thing that i can do is pay more attention to patreon and start to study another career.

But well, that's the thing. I would like to say that i can live with my current salary, but i'm having problems irl and i need mmmmore money, but since my content it's not enought to attract more patreons, i decided to change my tiers and point to a commission system instead a 'content' system for the next month.

I already talked about this on discord but in summary, it's a plan of two steps: for now i'm changing this:

  • All of the patreons will have the same content, regardless of their tier
  • I'll delete the tutos, red-lines and general help tier ($3 tier)
  • I'll delete the doujin/set tier ($7 tier) bcs this month i'm finishing the doujin and i dunno when i'll start another JAJAJ
  • In plus, i'll create another tier that can participate in the token system: i'll explain it in its own post
  • I'll change the 4th tier ($20) again, bcs since every patreon will have the same content, discounts and gifs won't be possible anymore

I think here is enough info for the first ($1) and fourth tier ($20); they won't receive more changes, anything will be different so i'll proceed to talk about the second ($3) and the third tier ($7) 


As i said, i'll delete these tiers bcs i can't change the prices, and I'll create a new ($5) right now but i think it's later JAJJA i had to do this summary a few days ago, but i had issues irl with my mom's trip, bank things and general discouraged;

ANYWAY: if you already pay me for next month, don't worry; i'll refund you ASAP: and that's what i think it's the better way to do the change.
I'll create the new, and i'll wait until the most of you who wants to continue being my patreons moves to the new or to the first tier: after that, i'll delete these tiers.

I can refund you the month i want, so don't worry about that; if you already pay me $7 and then you pay $5 i can refund you those $7, and the same for the $3.

My problem here is that if you don't read these updates that i'm doing and when i delete the tier, you think i just deleted you and won't come again without knowing what happened.

I'll do a public share of this and i'll continue talkin about it on discord, but i want to be sure.
That's why repeating it again; i think the best way to do it is just go to another tier before patreon charge you, or if patreon already charged you, and you wants to be on the new tier or another tier, send me a message and i'll refund you. You can do it after or before, i'll be waiting your messages~ anyway after delete the tiers i'll take a look by myself.


Q: Which are the differences between tiers?
A: There will be no more differences between content in different tiers, but the $20 and the $5 will have tokens to have commissions, info in another post.

Q: You're losing money instead having more, why are you doing this?  
A: Bcs since i can't accept commissions or do content by myself bcs i need time to study another career, i'll trust in my $20 tier to have something to do this month

Q: That doesn't make sense, just that tier can't help you, what yo will do?
A: Right now I'm investing my time on finishing content that i owe; but this is the first big change that i'm doing on patreon: In the middle or the end of the next month i'll add more tiers for commissions. But i'll talk about that in another update; that is the second step of my plan to continue doing content.


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