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I WANT TO SLEEEEEEP: 5 am and i'm writing these updates, damn it;;;; why i'm so forgetful;;;;; But well, this is the thing; mmm; ahghgh i can't feel the feelin' i'm listening to Justin Timberlake and i'm at a gud mood instead a 'critic' mood.

Gud, write the tittle of this post gives me the energy.

People, i'm stuck.

I noticed that when i draw i just think that i have to do the same time again and again. I just draw pron, i think on pron, i watch pron and this make me sick. I don't want to be a nun but i want a break:
i'm feeling super guilty when i draw things that i don't have to do, like kawaii roris, or manly duds doing manly things: when i play a game too much bcs i don't want to work on the same thing: or when i procrastinate bcs it's hard to me to continue with my current project

I have a block art created by myself: i block my imagination, inspiration and time to maintain me in the mold of a lewd dud.

It's not your fault of course, it's just that since i started to draw, i received support to continue doing lewds: I'm super thankful with you for that, and i love what i do, but I've been doing it in the same way for an entire year; i turn on my pc, and i watch, draw, study or search for lewds.

My idea is not stop to draw lewds for a time, i'm realistic and i need to continue doing content bcs i need to pay taxes and eat, and you're here for my normal content. But from now i'll cut my day in two: i'll use half time to draw Patreon and commission stuff; and the other part to improve my own things, study character design, enviroment, no-pron anatomy; these things that i already do it sometimes but now with a different focus: knowing that i'm doing what i want and not what people expect of me.

I feel like I came out of the closet JAJAJ but I feel a lot of impotence bcs sometimes i use too much time just doing nothing in the canvas, when i could practice and get studies, or finish little artistic drawings; i want to use better my time and not dodge the drawing time bcs i'm feel bad; I want to feel gud when i draw, like long ago.

I hope you can understand, this won't affect too much my work flow, i mean i want to rescue the lost time; in amount of practice and development i'll be increasing my quality faster; but in terms of quantity i'll be doing less NSFW projects by my ownm and that's why i'm leaving for my patreons and customers the entire control of my content, with the Token system and my public commissions:


JHobs ToxicTiger

I think this is the struggle of all artists in someway. It's important to take time to work on things you want so you don't start to hate working on your art. But you also have to cater to the fans you've already made, so it becomes a balancing act.


Do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable Ruru~ that is always super important when it comes to drawing, I hope this new way to work and draw helps you out mah dude ❤.