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A summary of things that happened since past update:

Firsto: i'll get another paypal account; i'll use my mom's bank account so i think i'll be able to do comms again from next month; i could do it before but i want to give me a time: i'm still scared JAJJA

Secondo: Payoneer works :'0 y talked with a few adult-artists more and they told me that Payoneer don't ask you specifically what are you selling; they just want to know if you're real; so for now i'm fine; i think that is just if i want an american virtual account and i don't want one (? so i'll be dodging it ; anyway i'll continue doing SFW content in a side account just in case (?

Third; as you read in the secondo, i'm using payoneer to save Patreon and i think it worked! I'll really know it at the end of the month, but i think i'm safe, so I'll continue with my month projects, without the bru-redo-commissions; i have to draw one fullco and two comic pages, and start with the winner of the new poll~

I think that's all (?



Curious question.....Does your mom know you draw porn?