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So, January is over, or will be soon. If you are reading this right when it was posted we have (hopefully if nothing bad happened!) just sat down for settlement on our house. After a bunch of bank stuff happens someone is going to hand us keys to a house. Pretty nuts! There will be tons of info about that coming as we get settled, for now we know we won't be moving in until around the 14th of February while some other stuff gets settled. By the way, the photo above is from when we signed the paperwork for the house loan on January 16. At the end they give you saran wrap as a gift lol.

Ok, that's enough about what is happening right now, let's talk about what videos were posted over the month of January! It was dominated with the trip to Kyoto, here's the list:

What is Permanent Residency in Japan? (we got it!)
Eric in Kyoto (with some but not a ton of tourists)
Eric in Kyoto, Japan (on a {failed} quest for a burger)
Kyoto Japan's Magical Bamboo Forest (& more!) 

And here are this month's "Youtube Shorts."  I really mean to post more of them but never remember lol. I think they'd make cool little quick reviews of things that don't justify a full video.

Tokyo's golden poo engineered for snow?
Trash is serious business in Japan lol
A weird little Japanese juice box 

I hope you guys enjoyed this month's videos. Did you guys have any favorite moments from January? If things stick out good or bad let us know so it helps us know what directions to go in the future!

Speaking of the future we have quite a lot of footage from our December trip still on it's way! That said, I do want to be upfront and let everyone know there may be a weird post schedule for the next month or so as we move. I plan to post at least our two usual "long" videos but I don't know if we will have time for the other shorter videos we usually try to produce too, we'll see how things go.

On that note, we also have been dreaming about ways to use our new space in different ways once we get moved. I don't think I want to talk about any ideas quite yet, but we hope to simplify the filming process for different things at home so it's easier to share more stuff in the future. It's going to be fun putting it all together, which of course isn't possible without support here on Patreon so as always: thank you!!

-Eric & Kyde



Ashley I.

Lots of stuff happening! That's exciting and we totally get you having a wonky schedule over the next bit. Hope the move goes smoothly🥰


That's valuable saran wrap. You have to buy a house to get it. Congrats on the new digs. Really looking forward to seeing your journey to becoming homeowners.


hahaha, it sure is. We will make sure to save it for the most important purposes. -E