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Thanks everyone! Hit us up with questions if you got em!


Patreon Discussion Video | Roadtrip in Japan's Nagasaki Part 1

Thanks everyone!



My question is for Kyde, is that a damn vase you're drinking out of? lol


The ‘Hot Ass’ episode on Top Gear you were referencing was Season 13 episode 4, the Royal Mail Challenge. Hammonds and May in a Porsche Panamera racing against a postage stamp. Great episode. Also to the food thing Japan. I love the food in Japan but most food comes off very clinical. I’m not saying it’s not amazing and wonderful but I agree when I had non-Japanese food in Japan, it lacked quite a bit of its ‘soul’.


Yea! The Royal Mail challenge! Haha, good stuff. We are totally on the same page about the lack of soul. It's almost like things are prepared too perfectly. -E