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(here is a direct link if you need it: https://youtu.be/Al2ywTO_qpg )

Hey everyone, this is a bit of an experiment we are doing. This video will be included inside of our Tochigi Part 2 video coming in a couple of weeks. The reason we are posting it on it's own is because it is "Youtube marketable" with the cute title and animals and such, and we want to see if it's shorter than normal length will generate traffic for our channel. This "reposting" of videos isn't something we plan on doing often, in fact it may be the only time we ever do it, but this week we didn't have content that was short enough to edit and get uploaded with our currently crazy schedule so we thought we'd try this to see what happens. (To be clear about that, the long videos take me more than a week to get edited, esepcially with traveling, which is why we always have shorter videos on some weeks to pad out a constant schedule.)

Anyways, long story short: You can skip this video and watch the coming Tochigi video without missing anything at all. You can also watch this and when the Tochigi Pt2 video is posted you can skip the alpaca stuff (I'll give everyone a timestamp) and you will miss very little (I had to edit a little bit out of this video for continuity's sake.)

Also as a disclaimer: As always shorter videos are not financially supported by you guys here at Patreon, and we would certainly never double dip on content, so do keep in mind this video has not been "billed out" as a funded video.

Any questions or feedback please hit us up in the comments here on Patreon so we don't miss them.

THAT SAID! haha, look at how stupid the alpacas look! Amazing beasts! Hhahaha

-Eric (& Kyde)


Japanese Alpaca Farm!!

Here is a little preview of the second Tochigi video to come in a couple weeks. Enjoy the alpacas! New here? Subscribe! ...............► https://goo.gl/mkAwyy Support our videos at Patreon ► http://patreon.com/kydeanderic We have a website!.................. ► http://kydeanderic.com/ Kyde & Eric Shirts ► http://kydeanderic.com/Shop http://instagram.com/kydeanderic http://facebook.com/kydeanderic http://twitter.com/kydeanderic http://reddit.com/r/KydeandEric Patreon is the best way to support our videos, but you can also make contributions here ► http://www.kydeanderic.com/index.php#Contributions Help us buy video gear on our Amazon wishlist ► https://goo.gl/6kNbPt Tochigi Part 1.........► https://youtu.be/oCcMMNwsvGQ Renting a Goat ......► https://youtu.be/ON_La_lcGgo



I got the needledrop reference in the sign-off. Worlds colliding!


Ahah best picture ever!