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Hey everyone, I'm not at home on my PC so I can't look into it in depth yet, but I think I made a clicking mistake and billed out three videos instead of the usual two this month as I posted part 2 of Hong Kong in September Japan time, but it was still August in the US where Patreon is located. This wasn't on purpose or intended, so as soon as I can contact Patreon (Monday) I'll see what can be done. Haha, thanks everyone!



The video limit was 2 and only charged for 2.


aw, you guys are too cute, got a dollar back from you today, i'd have happily rathered you kept it than go through the trouble i can only imagine it took getting it back to me.....D just think of all the videos of yours i used to watch for free...!!D please don't ever send money back to me if you can avoid it, love you guys, please keep the change.....D


Haha, we needed to process the refund so we'd be able to process the video on September. I just put up a post about it, hope it all makes sense! Thanks for your support!!! -Eric