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Hi everyone, it's August! We are in Mississippi visiting my parents and it's brutal hot outside, we keep getting "heat advisory" alerts on our phone. Good news a hurricane is possibly brewing and headed towards us potentially on the day we are set to fly to NYC so that's...fun? Hahahhaa.

In July we started our video series from Gunma and I shared a video from the Hokkaido series that was really cool with jumping fishies and a bunch of really cool looking nature.

Oh, I also started a new series of "silent" videos motorbiking around Japan. I have a bunch of these made and ready to go, I will be dropping one a week for a while to see if the channel has any potential long term. If it can help out a bit then it'll give us support to do other stuff, thankfully these "Quiet Ride" videos aren't too time intensive to make. If they aren't for you don't feel pressured to watch them, btw. I know they aren't for everyone.

Anyways, here's the stuff we made in July!

Videos from this month:
Exploring Takasaki in Gunma! (in Japan!) (in the rain!)
Motorbiking Hokkaido! | Beautiful Water & Jumping Fishies!

Here is a really wild Youtube Short we made of a ton of birds in a tree in Utsunomiya:
birds in utsunomiya, japan

This month’s “Highlight” videos
Eating Raw Goat Testicles in Japan
Japanese Village Destroyed by a Mudslide
Breakfast at a Japanese Denny's (in japan!)

This month’s “Motorbiking Japan” videos
Quiet motorbike ride along the Tama Monorail in Tokyo, Japan
Motorbiking up a Mountain in Western Tokyo, Japan
Motorbiking Shinjuku to Shibuya in Tokyo, Japan
Motorbiking West Tokyo Akishima to Ome Station, Japan
Motorbiking from Ome Station to Okutama's Ogouchi Dam in Japan

This is a very unimportant little video I made to illustrate a discussion I was having with some livestreaming people. But it's a thing I uploaded so I figured I'd share it.
Bluetooth Audio on IRLPro (is meh)

As always you can catch up on some Twitch clips & highlights from the past month here:

Future Plans!
In the immediate future we are trying to figure out if the weather will work out so we can spend a day in New Orleans. It's a 50/50 at the moment. Then we are off to NYC for a week or so followed by a trip down to Virginia where we will be for a few weeks at least before we head back to Japan sometime in September.

Regarding the videos on the way...well, I haven't looked to see what's next actually. There is still a bit more from Hokkaido but I might work on the next Gunma video first. I plan as always to have two "supported" videos out in August but I probably won't get a chance to really bite into the edits until the middle of the month so they might be later in August when they are ready to go.

We haven't been filming yet in The States but we are hoping to film some in NYC and Virginia. Not sure what will materialize, but we have the gear to get it done and are looking forward to it.

Livestreams have been happening now and then during our visit here so make sure to keep an eye on Twitch for those if it's your thing! twitch.tv/kydeanderic

Ok, I think that's got everyone caught up, thanks as always! Without your help we can't keep doing all this fun stuff!

-Eric & Kyde



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