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Hello everyone!

Thank you to everyone for supporting me so far! I have been working on some systems and I am almost ready to take this Patreon to the next tier. So here are some exciting updates that will be included. 

1. New tier will be available: The Deathmatch Tier! (topless and standard)

-> In this tier, there are no round breaks. The girls will fight until one of them can't beat the count. Each fight will last approximately 6-8 mins.
-> There will be extra limited tiers for supporters who want their own private custom videos. Not sure yet what I will do with the current tiers.
-> Expect the Deathmatch tier by the end of February

->-> I will be slowly working on simulating a 10-round match during this development cycle too but this won't be for another few months

2. All supporters will get to vote on the matchups 

-> There will be one fight every 2 weeks. Supporters will get to vote for which girls fight and location.

3. Working on unique stats

-> Every girl will have their own unique stats. For example:
- Kanna deals more damage as her health goes down
- Nova has reduced max stamina, but has increased stamina regeneration

4. Working on more girls/locations/animations

-> As always, I am continuously looking into making the fights look interesting.
-> There will be no new girls until deathmatch tier is out as I don't want to bloat the roster for now.

5. This will eventually become a game

-> I have decided I will find a way to turn this into a game eventually - but this is still very far away.

I will also be slowing down development as I am back from vacation, but lots of exciting things coming in the future.



Ok. Then, I'll change my plan topless to Deathmatch Tier. Really personal wish, but with the reward of a high tier, can you also add the person's character when the game is complete?


Yes, if the custom characters align with the aesthetic of the game, I will add the custom character to the final version (with your permission of course)


Question: I am currently subbed for free but from the sounds of it that won’t really give me access to anything special from now on lol. I unfortunately cannot afford higher tiers at all, so what is the minimum tier where I can get most of the perks? It would be nice to add a custom character but it is what it is if it’s too expensive lo lol


Hey thanks for asking - most content will be tier-gated, and as I invest more time into this project, the reality is that I’ll also need to balance time against cost. If you follow my Twitter, there are short free videos every week!


I do follow it yea! I figured most of it would be behind a tier, I'm just wondering what the minimum tier would be to get to see most of the content lol. I'm assuming the $1, which I can definitely afford, but if the content you make starts to get higher and higher quality, I can understand if that wouldn't be the case for long.


I’ll keep the current $5 tier which will have access to random fights and dev videos (like it currently is) so the $5 tier will probably be best for you!


I unfortunately cannot afford the $5 tier qwq so I guess I'm out of luck and will have to stick with whatever is free here and anything shared on Twitter lol. Thanks anyways!


Death match! I am very much looking forward to it!


Looking forward to it all man, great work so far. I've seen you have a Pixiv. Do you have a DeviantArt? Might be good to spread your amazing work a lil more.


I do have a DA, but I'm quite inactive on most of the social media sites as I don't have much time to handle social media. I am working on a trailer that I will be releasing to Youtube before the Deathmatch tier is out!

あ あ

Until one of them can no longer stand up. I am very much looking forward to it!


Awesome update, happy to see so much on the way! Also hoping some women of darker color get added in at some point!


I think there is some degree of agreement with the aesthetics of the game as well :)