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My guest this week is Ben Sander, creator of the character Brini Maxwell, a drag hostess who’s helmed shows about crafting, cooking, and homemaking, for decades. It all started with a little cable access show that he produced with some help from his mother, before becoming a cable TV series, with live shows that continue to this day — with Brini the character continuing to evolve as Ben her creator explores new artistic frontiers.

(Also: if you’re a fan of pop culture history — and I think you are — you’ll probably enjoy Sam’s great blog from a few years back, The Obscurity Factor.)


Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

[Looks around...] Um...... Uh... FIRST!!! LOL! 🤪😜 Hope your Thanksgiving holiday is going well, Matt! Thank you for your hard work presenting such a tender and humorous queer view of the world to us! 😃 Funny short story time! (Hopefully this won't ruin my "First!" joke if someone beats me to the post! 🙃): Years ago before Thanksgiving, my ex-wife and I were perusing a crowded kitchen store in Vermont searching for some Turkey Day essentials. Apparently, I was visibly excited enough to draw the attention of a woman who remarked to my wife that she was jealous because she couldn't drag her husband into such a store. My wife laughed and said that I was "part of the 51% club". When the woman looked puzzled, my wife continued, laughing: "Oh, he's 51% straight." Apparently, some other ears were "pricked up", as they say, and had been listening. Upon my wife's public declaration of my straightness quotient, several other ladies, and one or two men, laughed out loud. 😃 Here's to the day when everyone can be happy for others regardless of where they are on any particular spectrum or even those with no spectrum at all (I suppose they would be..."off the charts"! 😉) Let's all take time to rejoice in the multifaceted spectrum of human existence that makes Life™ so wonderfully interesting! Happy holidays, Matt and everyone! 😎☮️❤️🌈