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Hello hello!

If you're in the US, I hope you're enjoying a nice long thick holiday weekend; and if you're not in the US, sorry to gloat about having a long weekend but if it's any consolation at least you have health care.

Here is a new bonus Patreon-exclusive video with some more fun stories that I dug up in my research but didn't have room for in my last video! In this one, I share some of Hitchcock greatest queer-coded villains (and also one very cute couple); and we take a look at some of the amazing gay folks who made Disney magic in the late 1980s. Also, big thanks to Lin who solved the mystery in my previous bonus video

Plus, one of my favorite entertainment stories EVER, which is the tale of the disastrous 1989 Oscars, which were nearly destroyed by a rogue Snow White. It's SO good.

Also! A little sneak peek at my next videos! One about The Muppet Show, and another about Deep Space 9's Garak and Bashir. The DS9 video will go live next Sunday, July 11, and I hope you'll join me for for the livestream and premiere of that.

And as always, huge thanks for all your support here on Patreon! I couldn't make any of this stuff without you, and I'm forever grateful.

Follow the Hollywood stars,


(Quick update: The Howard Ashman lecture I mention in the video keeps getting taken down, but as of this writing you can read a transcript here if you have a Scribd membership: https://www.scribd.com/document/453572294/Howard-Ashman-s-lecture-at-D-sney )


Bonus video! Hitchcock's gays & Snow White vs the Oscars

Here is a new bonus Patreon-exclusive video with some more fun stories that I dug up in my research but didn't have room for in my last video! In this one,...



Muppets *AND* Star Trek!? Just when I thought your videos couldn't get any better!


Now I just need to find an excuse to talk about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


Am I the only one that thinks of "Deep Space 9" as Deep Throat 9? 😁😁😁


I saw Beach Blanket Babylon where this version of Snow White originated several times. It began in 1974 and is, I believe, still running in SF with constant updates and new sequels replacing the current version. The two key ingredients are the use of old standard, popular and Broadway songs at plot points where they function as a sort of pun based on the action; and the use of increasingly large and elaborate hairdos and head gear until in the finale a character has a hairdo and hat that reaches to the rafters and has to be supported by stage rigging from the rafters and the character just stands so that it appears to be on her head. For a long time dancing Christmas trees were a part of the show. An example of using sngs as kind of a pun was that a character walks up to each tree and whispers something and each tree oturns and runs off stage. The character then sings the old song, "I Talk to the Trees (But They Won't Listen to Me)". I was excited when I heard the general idea and Snow White from this show were going to open the Oscars. I felt it wasn't as great as I hoped, but never really understood why it was considered to be SO awful. Your commentary cleared that up for me. People in SF loved BBB and, like me, most people saw it repeatedly and brought out of town visitors to see it.


I am so jealous that you got to see that vintage version of the show!!! By all accounts, it sounds like a really delightful experience, and it seems like Alan Carr's folks translated a bunch of superficial elements without really figuring out what made it fun ... or anticipating the very different room they'd be playing to at the Oscars. Oh well, I'm glad it lives on!


The Alfred Hitchcock films that had queer coating reminds me of another film. I had done a Montgomery Clift marathon, and one film called Red River (1948), had him in a scene with another actor that was definitely a queer coating scene. Loved the Howard Ashman shout out! Can’t wait for the Muppet one.


Well! You'll be happy to hear that I've included that Red River scene in this weekend's Star Trek video!


Hitchcock's gays, I've never clicked so fast! I love Rope (James Stewart was apparently unware that his own char was queer coded also, bless.) Also shout out to another Hitchcock starring best boy Farley Granger, Strangers On A Train, some of the most chilling shots and a definite queer coded villain role for Robert Walker ( Lives with his mother, lounges around in a dressing gown/smoking jacket etc. as well as being very obvious in love with Farley's character.) I'm a new patron after being subbed and loving your stuff for a while now :D


I am looking for a link to the Howard Ashman Lecture. Did I miss it? I love narrative theory & Ashman seems fascinating. Great video. Thank you


Is that a Cthulhu statue on the shelf behind you?! Will we get a Night Ocean/Barlow episode?!!!? o.O


Haha that was a statue sent to me anonymously! I have no idea why I received it, but something like that you don't keep in a drawer.


Alas, it keeps getting taken down, presumably by D*sney lawyers! There's a transcript here, but you have to be a Scribd member to view past the first page: https://www.scribd.com/document/453572294/Howard-Ashman-s-lecture-at-D-sney


How could you do a queer analysis of Disney movies without my first true love and mentor to all young gay boys everywhere: Peter Pan! The ultimate ginger twink and his fag-hag Tinkerbell dodging the showy old troll that is Captain Hook!