The Best Smut You'll Ever Read (Ep. 43 - Anais Nin) (Patreon)
My guest this week is Steven Reigns. Among his many yous is the first city poet of West Hollywood. There's one writer who's had a profound impact on Steven's artistic identity, his personal identity, and even his sexual identity. He discovered Anais Nin work at a pivotal time in his life, when he felt pulled in multiple directions and was unsure what direction his life could take. It was thanks to a lucky loan of a book that Anais appeared to point the way.
And hey -- I'd love it if you would join me for a live online videochat this weekend. I know there are a bunch of folks listening, and I'd really like to get to know you. It's going to be this Saturday, January 16, at noon Pacific Time on my YouTube channel. You can follow me on Twitter @mattbaume to get the link. Hope to see you there!
And if you'd like to see my guest Steven Reigns, he's performing with four other artists at the show"The Allure of Anais Nin" on January 29 at 7pm, at Antioch Community Hall in Santa Barbara.
By the way, you might've noticed that unlike most episodes of Sewers Of Paris, this episode is flagged as "explicit." Just a heads up that our conversation starts off tasteful, but we really earn that rating by the end.
This episode's permanent home:
And listen to Anais speak: