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My guest this week has spent his life traveling the country to bear his soul, and now he’s settled down in the last place he ever expected — the town where he grew up. David Schmader is a writer and performer who wrote for The Stranger in Seattle by day, and who turned his articles into dramatic theatrical performances by night. He’s also the country’s foremost expert on Showgirls, and appears on the commentary track on the official DVD. These days he’s doing more writing than ever, and rediscovering the gay scene in a town that he left before he could fully appreciate it.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First a big thanks to everyone who makes the Sewers of Paris possible with a pledge of support on Patreon! Head over to SewersOfParis.com and click “support the show on Patreon” to check out the rewards for backers.

And just a reminder that The Sewers of Paris is on Twitter and Facebook — I post clips of the stuff that we talk about on each episode, so you can follow the show on social media to get a look at the stuff that guests recommend.

Also I hope you’ll joins us for a great big adventure this Saturday. I’ll be livestreaming a game of Dungeons & Dragons with comedian Deven Green, writer Carlos Maza, culture critic Anthony Oliveira, and scholar Bryan Wuest to benefit Seattle Children’s Hospital. It’s happening Saturday, November 2 at noon pacific. Details are at bit.ly/extralifeseattle.


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