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As most of you know, the first installment in our next Patreon exclusive series, Familiar & Beloved, will hit Patreon TOMORROW! We're excited about this new series featuring some of your favorite four-footed heroes, and we hope you are too, family.

Familiar & Beloved also marks the beginning of a new approach to our Patreon exclusive stories. Rather than attempting to cram all the Patreon content in between seasons, we're going to try a more measured approach that we hope will mean less pressure for us and more consistent extras for you. We now plan to post a new Patreon story once a month. Some of these, like Familiar & Beloved, will be miniseries, with one episode posted per month. Others may be standalone one or two-part stories, more like The Door Under the Floor.

We hope this approach will work better for everyone concerned, and look forward to hearing what y'all think about the first installment of Familiar & Beloved, "Return to Death Island," in which we revisit some intrepid young men and a boy who is most fearless and good.

Talk to you soon, family. Talk to you real soon.

Cam & Steve



Sooo hard to wait for these AMAZING stories! But, alas, I shall, indeed, wait...sigh... Thanks so much Steve and Cam! Y'all are amazing!
