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Steve reads/performs famous monologues from Willy Shakes and you see which ones you know.



Maegan Heise

All but the first.

Sharon Browning

Yep. Got them all, but I was given Charles Lamb's Shakespeare stories when I was 6.


5.Oh yes, yes, yes.


1. Yes, surprisingly. 2. Oh absolutely. 3. I didn't recognise the monologue, but it's a good play. 4. Yep! 5. Definitely.


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. YEEESSSS Steve killing it! It's so much fun to hear Shakespeare done well. Thank you for this! (Someone cast Steve as Mercutio STAT please)

Julie Hofmann

Dammit. Second-guessed myself on the second-to-last, and went for a deeper cut.

Elizabeth Wynn

1. yes 2. yes 3. no but I'm blaming distraction w a pillowcase 4. could recite it right alongside due to way too many hours spent helping a friend learn it 5. yes!


Hmm, I didn't think I'd recognize them all but I did, yay.... For number 1, in my time as a scenography student, I built a scale model of the Globe Theater!!


1)no 2) yes! 3)yes! 4) yes 5) surprisingly no, I need to do a reread


got everything but #1!

Nichol Miller

1) maybe 2) Yes 3)no 4)yes


1) No 2) Definitely (it was the first Shakespeare I read in school, actually) 3) Abso-f***ing-lutely - honestly, one of my favorite characters in literature (DON'T ASK ME WHY, I DON'T KNOW) 4) No 5) Of course Interesting


Got them all, but from names and context clues. EXCEPT for lady MacBeth. That Lady is distinctive.