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Happy summer, family! After the finale of season two, we've been enjoying a little downtime to rest and recharge. 

... But we can't help it! We miss you already!

So we're going to do what several of you have asked over the past week: we're recording a QA. Steve and Cam will answer your burning questions about season two and more. Ask away! (Note, however, that we reserve the right to pick and choose, as we're sure to get some duplicate questions, and we're not going to answer anything that would constitute spoilers, etc.)

But wait! There's more!

Our dear friend Jordan Shiveley of Dread Singles (@hottestsingles) has volunteered to host this bonus episode

In order to make the show happen, of course, we need questions to answer.

Click here to fill out a very short Google form and submit your questions! 

We'll be accepting questions until 11:59pm August 1, 2021.

Update: Family, let's not share this outside Patreon for the moment, please. Realistically, we can only answer a limited number of questions in the time we're going to allow for the QA, and we want to give our Patreon family first dibs at asking. If it turns out we have space for a few more questions, we'll make that determination and share outside this space when the time is right. We appreciate you understanding.


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