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 Steve reads to you from Jake Richard’s Backwoods Witchcraft.



Samantha Riddell

Really wished you had narrated that book for him.


Great book. Heavy on the Christianity for my taste, but it's a huge part of Appalachian life for most so I get its inclusion.


I'm also currently reading this! But I may DNF because I'm more spiritual than anything and the book is super Christian-y.


Steve's tangents spark joy.

Ollie Shane

I learned a LOT from this episode. keep 'em coming! Can't wait for the Black-Mouthed Dogs series


I really dig the Appalachian conjure and hoodoo lore. It’s quite similar in many ways to the superstitions and charms my ex husband’s extremely Christian SB Grandma used and believed. Her people were originally from Tennessee, but came to W. Texas in the 20s.She would have been horrified if anyone thought she was anything but a God-fearing good Christian woman, even if she did have a good luck money jar by the kitchen door, and kept an old iron nail under the porch to keep away bad luck.


Hoodoo and conjure typically is. Lots of Psalms and saints in the magical tech.


My aunt always said having an unlit candle in the house was bad luck, so whenever you bought a new one you had to light it and then put it back out until you actually wanted to use it


Could you try doing Fantastic mr Fox? I know that already has an audio tape, but I bet you would make it awesome


For what it’s worth, and maybe this is on the wrong episode, but from the hints you gave at the end about the previous reading I can almost guarantee they would love the HELL out of being included. Not sure if you follow them on Twitter, but this show is ridiculously up their alley and they love supporting other artists.


it’s always so nice when two things you love collide. this was one of my favorite reads when it came out. y’all have the only podcast i’ve binged in a week. thanks for being rad.


This was so informative! Thanks so much for this, Steve! I'll prolly be listening to this a dozen times. Love our Appalachia!


Thanks for the awesome birthday gift