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Steve reads to you from a favorite unnamed book, starting on page 37.  

CW: A letter describing an in-game suicide in the last 2:00 of the episode.



John Howard

Relistening to the episodes, first time through I hadn't read this. I've read it since that first listen though. Very pleased to be reminded

Christine J. Long

Ugh, I need an audiobook of your poetry. Pllllleeeeeeeaaaassseee? I want to buy it on amazon, but I want to make sure the money goes to you most importantly.


Thank you for your kind words, family. Creating audiobooks to publish on Amazon / Audible is a good deal of extra work, which we're not looking to take on at this time.

Christine J. Long

Oh definitely. My apologies, I didn't mean to imply you publish on Amazon/Audible, but to a place where you would actually get to see the money for your work. Kickstarter, etc. However, either way it's a great deal of work so thank you for all that you do.


I was SO delighted when a few minutes into this I recognized what this was that you were reading from, and even more delighted at the end to hear he’s your favorite songwriter because he’s my favorite as well. This was such a serendipitous little ~worlds collide~ moment. Thanks for reading. ❤️


I recognised this from the first sentence and I absolutely loved the reading holy heck family

Kristin Daniel

I have not heard of this book, but I am sure as shootin’ gonna be tracking it down. Thanks for the rec, family! Much obliged.


Could anyone DM me the name of this book please? I want to read it and Google is failing me on finding out what it is!

Patricia Smith

My husband would love to know what book this is?