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Afternoon, family. We wanted to send out a quick update about the care packages we know y'all are eagerly anticipating. There have been some delays at our fulfillment partner, and they've now entered their busy season (traveling for cons and such) which will push things back a bit further.

So what we're going to do is go ahead and start shipping other elements of the package separately from DeepNerd HQ. We're waiting on one item to arrive, but should have what we need to start shipping those out within the next week.


Ollie Shane

How do you get care packages?


If you check out the My Membership tab, the info is there. Just make sure you’ve shared your mailing address with us in your Patreon profile. Visit Patreon help for further instructions on how to do that.

Heather R.

I just bumped my tier down this month but was at the care package level for several months. Am I still on the list?


Patreon makes this hard to track. We will make a post once packages are shipped and should have arrived so that anyone who’s had to change tiers can let us know if they didn’t receive a package and we can double check our records.