Patrons-only Live QA event: Saturday at 2 pm ET (Patreon)
That's right, Family. It's time for our first Patrons-only QA!
Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 2pm ET on Discord
If you haven't had a chance to pop by the Discord server yet, now's the time!
How do I find the OGoA Discord server?
Just click this link:
How do I get my question answered?
Please log in to the Discord server before Saturday and send your question(s) to our goddess of Discord, Shannon (@Ylarya#2181).
I'm new to Discord. Help!
Here's a link to Discord's handy getting started guide.
But I can't make it at that time!
Don't worry! We'll be recording the QA and will upload the recording here for Patrons who can't be with us live.