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More swag prototypes came in today.  I think these might go out to patrons on some upper levels as a full set. 

What do y'all think?

original art by Corrin Leigh




My comment is going to gain me no friends — IMHO these do not capture the essence of the horror that is intrinsic in the writing of OGA. These pin designs infantilize the images of the characters. It is clear that the artist is very talented. However, if I wanted cute, I wouldn’t be following and supporting this particular podcast.


I tend to agree. Not wild about the tie in with Animal Crossing. It feels very mainstream commercial, and OGOA is too unique an offering to draw on video game symbolism. I’d also worry a little about copyright issues. Some companies are very protective of their brand and the “Barlo Crossing” could create problems, especially given the resemblance to the Animal Crossing logo.


Y'all. These are not being sold. These are prototypes of pins that will be reserved for upper tier paton gift boxes. We appreciate your feedback, but we'll continue to do what we think is fun and cute and that people they are intended for will appreciate. I'm not wild about every piece of fan art that comes across the internet but I appreciate them and am honored someone took time out of their day to create something for us. These were a specific commission by ME, the creator of these three characters because I liked them and I knew there would be other fans that like them. We are adults who can like different things and will produce different things.


As the person who created these three characters and is personally responsible for the horror they bring to OGoA, I can assure you the tone of the show is not going to be shifted nor is the product going to be directly impacted by a set of pins gifted to people who are pledging at the upper levels in gift boxes. These are not going to be sold or made publicly available. Thanks for the feedback.


Personally, I love the Barlo Crossing! I think its very cute

Aniel Galloway

These are all great. Couldn't even tell you which is my favorite!


Amazing!! <3

Tricia Smith

Wtf is Animal Crossing?!? Okmmaybe I'm older older than the hills ={woops!} 😉 But I get it from context that y'all are referring to a video game...? The fact that the populous reaction promoted such a strong reaction from our Dear Creator, well.,. That was an attention grabber to say the least. 😐😔🤔


Cutesie Video game that a lot of people have taken refuge in during lockdown. I don't play myself but I know people I love do and they enjoy it.


Will the $10 tier get one of these? 🥺


$10 folks will have pins they are eligible for. alas they may not be these. All being sorted out now.

Tricia Smith

Thanks you for clearing that up, melodious voice of our Dear Creator, or would that be Creatrix? Praise the non-binary and mellifluous Almighty! For We Above and Below have seen, and heard, and oh yes Family, let there be swag for it is Good! (Can I get an AMEN upon heya?!?)

Tricia Smith

Does it bear any to the ür video gave that we used to play when the world was young : Frogger?


Them are cute AF!