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I want to preface this by saying Mochi Moshi update tomorrow!
Okay, now that that's announced lets move on to the reason I'm making this!
TL;DR Checklist

  • Lammy is the next Exclusive, you'll see her butt crack on the 1st
  • I'm not going to take commissions going forward*
  • August 25th I return to the states
  • Everything else is pretty normal

I don't think I need to upsell one of the greatest video game gals to grace the Playstation, but if you're a fan of big ass, butt crack (or cleavage if you're a coward) and tight jeans, get excited.

No More Commissions
Yeah I put an asterisk on that one because it's a tough and complex thing. I won't be taking commissions anymore but if people want things for me to specifically draw them and they're willing to pay, my price is now more than double. I'm only going to take commissions starting at about 250 dollars with no ability to pay lower than that, period. If that's too steep than please keep enjoying what I put out there on this service.

Now you may be thinking "holy cow" or "actually that's fair," but the reason is that I see that as a good starting range for the fact that I only draw 4-5 images a month without acceleration. Past commissioners also know that I provide direct contact and consistent WIPs, and once I start working on a project I don't stop, unless an exclusive needs to be delivered. I refuse to do images without a background now, I refuse to not color or shade and I don't like dramatic iterations without compensation, something I'm putting my foot down for future commission.

I won't say what specific commission made me feel this way, I won't even say if it's been over a year, if it's public or even hint at what it could be. I think people who are friends with me know, and that's it. If there are specific characters you WANT me to put into polls, you can always comment below. I'm not guaranteeing they'll show up, but I do get to read what you write and think about it. If you want to see an OC of mine drawn, write their name below and I'd love to hear about that.

Back to America
O'Merica, the country tis of thee... or something... Listen I'm not a patriot, nor am I nationalistic, I just wanted to goof. Two days ago marked the last month I spend in Sweden for a while, my girlfriend and I have had a wonderful time and I can assume none of you really felt like I wasn't creating. I wrote a lot and I'll continue to write more but that's for tomorrow.

Plan is, when I'm back in America I'm going to get a completely new private set up that is going to make my desk into a cubicle. I'll figure out how the fuck to do that later. blah blah blah, not really stuff you guys care about but it's my life woo! Because of how timing works I'll put up a poll on the 25th and start drawing when I'm back. I'll be jet lagged to fuck so if it's late a day you won't hate me right...?

No explanation here honestly. Nothing really big to report. I'm not pregnant, my physique is doing well for pushing 30, I've been playing Pokemon Go, I had a two week vacation from my actual job, I make really good smash burgers for my girlfriend....

Normal shit.

Thank you so much!!
Thank you for another month of support, or if this is your first month, I hope you stick around! The money I get from subscribe star and patreon help me sit down and just enjoy knowing that I can get a bit of cash drawing the stuff I draw. It's not considerably a lot but during these Swedish vacation months with my girlfriend, it ensured that me and her get to have some decent food on the table. I'm not rich, hell I was born poor and I still don't make minimum wage having two jobs but, getting a bit of cash to draw girls who are enjoying their life means a lot to me.

I hope you guys are doing fantastic and thank you again for your support. Enjoy the nasty as fuck heatwave that's happening in America, I know I'll be enjoying this 60 degree weather in Sweden... Sorry for rubbing that it, it's just insane how much colder it is here...



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