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Hmmmmm idk , things are getting stale and some of you guys tend to be far more dead than a corpse .w.)""

Usually those box stays up for 2-3 days before I call the voting , sorry if that's not enough time for you guys to react since some of you may have more important business to attend to ouo)"

Anyway , leave your character of choice down in the comment section and it'll be voted by the people as always

The theme for this would beeeeee~


I'm pretty sure some of you guys may not be interested in Dgirls but I gotta practice diccs somehow .w.)

I'll try making a female edit of it ouo)/

Soooooooo , who's shall it be~?



How abut a dolfen or a griffin


A Felyne from the Monster Hunter series perhaps?

Chance Drenning

How bout a Luxray from pokemon?


A Nargacuga from Monster hunter? Dragonbirbs...


How about a 50% Zygarde? I've always wanted to see one of these as that.