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So I missed the Raffle for July due to me being busy/lazy/somewhere inbetween

But , I'm going to carry the raffle for Doodly and BnW to this month instead! So 4 people can get the prize , 2 Doods , 2 BnWs

Given the fact that there's quite a bit of numbers in the 8+ tier , the odds of you guys getting it is more likely I guess

Might as well announce it here on who the lucky people are!Lemme spin the wheel for a moment...


Winners for the BnW is~Hydro and KoopaCR!

Winners for the Doodly is~Sir Greyface and Torfi Trastarson!

Well congratz on those lucky few ^w^)

For the people who didn't get it , welpHope you got a better luck next time on this OuO)/

Alright , now that we got this out of the way , time to open the idea box again >:3



Aw... dint get chosen... oh well... better luck to me next time.