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Inks and colors next! Bukka is ready to confront any Breeder who dares attack the Resistance's base. However, a series of unexpected events are about to trigger a new kind of -physical- reaction in her :o

Things are about to get much more intense after this page!




Does this she still has some breeder and she can control it or can she turn when ever she want like she holding on or is she completely cured

Julian Hartmann

Angry Olga, tight Bukka, sad Kang. Later is probably saying goodbye to his harem ending. Or just his ending with Breeder Queen Bukka. Can we have shork sisters angry mating some day? Angry Olga looks appealing.

James Reese

As much as I love Breeder Queen Bukka it’s great to see my bunny girl normal again ^^ ( well normalish lol )


So by physical interaction, you mean that she'll need to gather more "materials " from Khan in order to make more vaccines for everyone, right?


I'd confront her~ xD Also I dooon't think those fits her anymore :D


If what Xpray said was true, they will when those pillows of joy return to normal later, unfortunately


Surprised she can find clothes that can fit. Then again this feels like it may lead to all eyes on her. Which might be good at knocking some Breeders out.


Nono, her physical reaction will be something completely different and never seen in this comic series before :)