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Colors next! Swim safe, relax and enjoy the summer, she'll watch over you so you can feel like at home :D

Cetacean characters are so fun to draw. They deserve more love!




I wouldnt mind her saving me...quick someone make me look that i am drowning xD


Hmmm. Similar body design to a certain pair of sisters, but I can see a difference in the muzzle. More rounded and such. I like it. :)

Fleur Dryke

looks like she could also do with a bit of attention to herself, possibly being pleasured while she watches over everyone else.

Julian Hartmann

"Orca" is basically an orc with an A rank after all.

James Reese

Very adorable ☺️ though in my opinion the clothed picture is way more cute and adorable ^^ great work ^^


I thought her name was Olga or is this a different character?


Love it! Though shouldn’t she have fins instead of those cute grippers;)

Julian Hartmann

Somehow I fear her part of the beach is the one with the least death yet the highest accident rate with survival. And yet somehow nobody complains.