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Third scene of this animated sequence featuring the Breeder Queen and Xpray. Looks like the dragon is doing his best to keep your majesty's needs fulfilled!

I think there'll be one or two more scenes after this one, and then it'll be time to start coloring the entire sequence :D



Kalani Bluesturm

Oh hell yes, big queen getting the love she needs, I mean hey, the royal highness despite being big and mean also has a soft spot and needs some love too, even if it means turning into her consort


Can't wait to see this and Colour it's going to be fully amazing

BossMajor 345

Damn this looks so good. Now I'm curious what would Xpray look like if he was breeder king, also how happy would the queen be if she had him as her king


Is there gonna an anime of these WIPs?

Julian Hartmann

I'm amazed. BTW, hope you don't mind me giving your vocabulary lessons but I think what you mean is not more "scenes" but more "shots". A shot is a single, uninterupted animation that is connected with the preceding and follwing shots with cuts. Shots can have panning, zooming and if you're a really great animator even 3D movement though. Unless you want to be a Japanese animator, in that case "shots" are actually called "cuts" in that language, it's weird. Back to the issue at hand, have you maybe considered going all the way with this one and adding sounds and voice acting? Honestly, I think it's too good to not to at least try it. BTW, would love if the final shot is Xpray getting breeder-fied.


Oh, I'm definitely planning to ink and color all these sketches, fully animated :)


Squish :3


Need more Xbabe arts :3

James Reese

Carful my dude you might start a new strain of breeders 😆 lol nice work as always


I wouldn't mind if this turned into an Anime. I'm happy but sad because I finished watching all there is for now on Beastars.


Oh my, squish of that rump on the newest animation is quite lovely~


Quite happy, probably! She'd never run out of eggs and he'd take good care of her for sure :)


Thank you! I'll keep that in mind. Not sure about voice acting, but it'd be interesting (and fun) to add sounds. I imagine myself squeezing meat in front of a microphone :P

Xpray (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 17:29:44 Thank you, Toumak! Drawing the squish effect frame by frame was really fun :>
2021-03-03 06:15:29 Thank you, Toumak! Drawing the squish effect frame by frame was really fun :>

Thank you, Toumak! Drawing the squish effect frame by frame was really fun :>


I must admit I'd love to animate an anime-style action scene featuring Vodka (or perhaps some kind of opening for Last Survivor) someday, although I still need to learn a lot about animation stuff :)