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Colors! Sorry for the slight delay, it took me a while to finish this page (so many characters!) and the fact February is such a short month doesn't help much :P

The future doesn't look very bright for Nova's population, the Resistance or the Breeders themselves. However, the next page will show us that there's still hope.

Also, Adam is -finally- about to get what he deserves, soon <.<

On a side note, new colored page of "Our Big Day" coming this week!




What’s the meaning of the glowing ing eyes i’ve been wondering?🤔🤔🤔

Kalani Bluesturm

The orca and wolf breeder queens sure look lovely but i still think the mares from the prior pages still look just as nice


Damn! Olga looks freaking hot as a resistance leader, it is a shame we never get a lot of scenes of her and members at the resistance forces.


also the dog still has regular eyes and not black breeder eyes


I do not get why Kang is here since in this path, he never met Bukka so they can work on a cure.


It probably means rage, anger or fierce killing intent since all the new fake queens want dominion over others.


The wolf and the orca, were they not one offs in pinups? I think elephants are sexy as hell but some furries do not look so good in breeder form.


Two of the other paths we saw in Act 1 take place at the Resistance's base, so we'll see more of them here in Act 2, when the current path ends.


That's exactly the reason why Kang is here. Bukka never met him in this path, he was never brought to the Resistance's base and thus, his fate has ended up being something completely different here. Basically, I'm showing how much every character's fate can change depending of your choices, allowing the reader to compare different endings when the entire project is complete.

BossMajor 345

FUCKING ADAM! Is it too much for that idiot to keep it in his pants? Like seriously he's the literal definition of insanity at this point! But damn Xpray this is building up to be so good and I'm excited while nervous of what will happen next!


Do snakes, cobras whatever have 2 reproductive organs for Kang to have 2 dicks in real life? Also, what makes him so super immune because that is finite or is there a symbiotic relationship?


Xpray, you better show other people like Kang so he is not one of kind.


The Hive Wars sounds better than the Hives war unlike the other way makes it seems like the hives war singular in nature and not everyone is against each other for control.


Cool! The Kang panel turned out more wholesome than I expected :3 The boar's a unexpected colour as well, I thought you'd go with a darker colour scheme for her. Great works as always and excited to see what the next pages have for us!


Strange that these new breeders are pig like and not equinine, is this continuity error? The Queen looked like a lizard along with her sons then came Adam and his boys because i assumed that Adam's genes were how the offsprings would look like after his genetic makeup was passed on.


Does anyone think girls read this type of comics


Exactly! Adam has gone too far just for his own pleasure, (although there might be something else). Anyways, he'll get what he deserves soon, along with a massive plot twist. Glad you like it, Boss! :D


i meant the white dog with kang that has white regular eyes and not breeder eyes


Damn the white wolf queen looks great!


Aaah, my bad! It's fixed now. Thank you for the heads up :)


Yes, they do. About his immunity, basically it's an extremely rare condition that makes his genes completely incompatible with the Breeder corruption, so it can't spread through his body. It's uncertain if there're other individuals like him across Nova planet, so he's one of a kind (at least for now).


I just went by the game, i noticed the planet where Bukka and the others isn't earth. I always thought it was.


Most characters are from Earth although the story takes place in planet Nova. Space travels and large-scale space colonization are already happening in that universe, with Nova being the first planet to have a fully-settled population and what we'd call a normal life, away from Earth.

Julian Hartmann

It's good to know Adam is a guy that sticks to his principles instead of throwing what he truely believes in under the bus at the slightest showing of inconvenience. That's called integrity. That's the stuff true leaders are made of.

Sierra Teylaas

Awww, Kang still gets a breeder wife off his very own:)


Do you think Khaz'aan and his busty wife are getting off to all this lustful corruption? ^w^


They might have a cameo! If not in this path, in a future path for sure ;)


OMG can't wait! XD Does demon and goat half demon get corrupted from the breeder genes??


Hell yeah ^W^! Or whichever plane of existence Kha'Zak lives... Yeah! ^D^ Sorry for the bad pun in advance.


Will the rest of the nova resistance get corrupted?