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My cow girl was the most voted choice in the poll I posted a few days ago. I'm also including a lactation-free version for all those who don't enjoy that kind of stuff :D

Argonian girl and Mewtwo (besides a few other options) also got a lot of votes, so I'm totally considering them for my next sketches!

Edit: Looks like the Argonian lady won by two last-minute votes and I didn't even see that, so I'll be sketching scaly stuff this weekend <.<




Isn't there usually a cow hand that does the milking?

Fleur Dryke

You know, I just went back and looked and it looks like the Argonian actually had two more votes over the cow. Don't get me wrong, this sketch is looking hot, but it makes me wonder if a few votes squeaked in as you were closing the poll. Can't wait for the color version and any other sketches.


Hmm. *licks lips* Gettin' thirsty. X always draws the best milky babes! Cant we all agree!?


Omg, you're right! I swear the cow girl was winning at 1-2 minutes before closing the poll, so I totally thought she won. Now I feel bad, so I'll try to have an argonian lady sketched for this weekend.


Whoo! Big, milky cow tits for all! ^w^

Floppy Human

Huh, I completely thought the argonian won, but only by like 2 votes.

Tashi Gibson

Yay :D Thanks for making a milk-free version :D


I do enjoy a tall glass of milk. 😈😉


She's the kind of cow who enjoys the traditional self-milking process :3


The cow girl was winning when the poll was almost over, so I totally thought she won and then I began to work on this sketch. But yeah another Patron also pointed out Argonian won, so I already promised there'll be another sketch this month, this time featuring an Argonian lady :)


Specially when it comes from certain quad "milk tanks" ;3

Jason (SinGage)

Yes I'd love to have a glass every morning!!!