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WIP! However, I still have doubts to decide Nirvana's official color. Part of me is quite happy with the orange/light brown pattern.

Which one looks better in your opinion? I'm also tempted to change the official title before the first page is fully finished :P



Fleur Dryke

I like the orange/brown more.


Orange Brown


Tan Snekwife would be my preference. What colour would the nipples be on each?


I love the darker bluish color more, I feel like the contrast to her mate stands out a bit more.


This comic is so cute, I like the brown one, but tbh i don't think your fans will care when it's your art

Jason (SinGage)

Those boobs seem like they get in the way.... (Bouncy bouncy) hehe great job!!!


I was liking blue and orange but I think the brown and orange is better.


Blue. It just looks better, and it helps them stand out more. Their color pallets blend too much on the orange scales one


I think she'd look lovely in blue, but it's ultimately your preference, X ;-3.


I prefer the blue and orange combo, the contrast looks better. But tbh, more snek tiddies always trumps colour palette. 😈 Also, the comic title is fine. Short, simple. Only thing I would change would be 'Love' for Feathers, for nothing else but to draw out a new avian beauty 😜.


They both look really good! but Blue/White is still my favorite!

BossMajor 345

This is a hard choice because both look incredible ;-; but looking at the two options I like the blue a little more


I agree, the brown makes for a better contrast!

BossMajor 345

XD I just noticed the table is cracking under her huge tits, I love that


I also love the attention to detail where her boobs are breaking the table! that's a nice touch!


Orange and brown. For a snake it's a color scheme of some of the deadliest and most respected snakes of the animal kingdom.

Julian Hartmann

Both are gorgous... But for some reason, I'd like her lower lip color to stick out more, compared with his mon it's almost too subtle.


I like the orange/brown


Both are very good, but I think I'm feeling more towards blue.

Sierra Teylaas

Orange/brown feels more fun and warmer.


I like blue 💙

Thorny One

Personally i like blue. Most snake girls are bascily copied from the XCOM ones and seening blue is really damn refreshing but thats just me.


The blue one contrasts more with the brown of her boyfriend. And is a lot closer to the grey required for camouflage in urban settings, but that's just me!


I like the orange and brown.


gota go with blue on my vote :b


Well given that she seems to be a bit of a boisterous person perhapsascale color and pattern of a more brightly colored cobra. Say a Red Spitting Cobra or Cape Coral Cobra.

Sebastian delaBarra

ah gee I really like both color schemes. One feels warm and natural and the other is cool ans exotic.


For me, both are good, but in the end, I would choose orange/brown.


Orange/brown does it more for me


Blue with my vote


Blue, in my opinion. Contrasts a bit more with the boyfriend, and it makes her look more exotic.


I do think the brown scheme makes her look more inviting. I like the blue scheme a lot too but seeing them together in this panel I feel like maybe it doesn't compliment his shade of brown nicely. Maybe that's just me. She will look stunning either way though!


greenish color