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Fourth candidate to become my next project after "Lady Xpray: Livestream  of Pleasure", which will be a series of pictures (some of them with  extra panels, like a comic) that tells a story.

This candidate series tells a story about this classy kitty's encounter with a hot detective (probably a gryphon stud or a horse) who tries to investigate a crime. Does she have something to hide?

It would have a "Noir atmosphere" and I'm tempted to try a "Black & White colored" style for it, perhaps with some random colors that stand out like in Sin City's movie.

The themes/kinks involved are: Very tasteful and elegant sex, seduction, classiness, Noir, passion, muscular male and many different positions.



Julian Hartmann

Wow, this looks almost like a different artist's work, but I can't exactly say why... Something about her face I think... Not that it doesn't look good. "Classy sex" hmm.... Not sure if that's my thing. I'm more into Adam's approach of "big dumb sex".


Probably because of the upper lip and how her face's features look softer (and more human-looking) than how I usually draw them. More or less how I drew Gabe's kitty here, years ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/up-close-and-3800542 And hey, "classy sex" can lead to "big dumb sex" sometimes :P

Julian Hartmann

O yeah, so I was right about something being different... Looks great in any case.