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Inks! Colors next! What's Vodka showing to the Breeder Queen? The wiki? Adult stuff? Gameplays? 

Whatever it is, the Queen is incredibly aroused right now...




I'm gonna guess it's a video of Vodka and Adam having passionate, dirty equine/shark sex on that phone screen that's getting Queenie diving both hands into herself and letting more of that precious milk loose from them huge milkers of hers x-3.

Fleur Dryke

Who knows on the whole phone thing, could be porn either way.

Suia Loctis

My God, your art makes me wish I were the Queen's personal Breeder


The shot of Vodka with her belly looks absolutely perfect. I love how round she's gotten too, she's come a long way so far ^w^


Gonna echo how beautiful you've drawn Vodka. She's perfect, magnificent. :) And I can't wait to see what she's saying, thinking, and showing the Queen.

Julian Hartmann

What's Vodka showing to the Breeder Queen? A photoshopped pic of Adam? A picture of a blue whale penis? This very comment section? Anyone but me noticed how dark Vodka's eyes are by now? She'll be falling prey to sexiness soon...

Sebastian delaBarra

They're probably taking a sexy selfie together!

Floppy Human

Probably dank memes


Someone has to upload that selfie to the wiki! For research purposes~


Maybe all of the above :O And yeah, it's -finally- happening!


Sooner or later, she'll need plenty of personal Breeders~ :D


Probably porn, for sure! Good to see the Queen is finally putting Vodka's "tricks" to good use ;)