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Inks! Colors next! Welcome to the Queen's throne room... Looks like she was waiting for us.

Also... my poor hand. All those eggs, so many details ;_;



Fleur Dryke

This is what we in the sci-fi business call a bad situation. Also, poor Xpray's hand.


Sorry to hear about your hand. And boy...the Queen has has been busy...I can only imagine what she has in store for poor Vodka. A curious question. Is the Queen and the bodyguards also capable of emitting the same style of pheromones as the more rank and file?


So uh.... That's a giant egg sac shes sitting on? You're telling me that's full of eggs or that is one giant egg sac by it's self?

Julian Hartmann

Completely out of left field: The upper right panel makes me want to pinch Vodka's cheek. (°_°)


That's her own egg sac/ovipositor, just like the Xenomorph Queen from "Alien" movies. Don't worry if you're not too fond of that detail; Her egg sac thing will be out of the way in the next scenes :P


Nope! The bodyguards barely emit pheromones. They're veteran Breeders who fulfilled their breeding purposes and got "retired" to focus on a different role, in this case defending the hive and the Queen. The Queen emits a completely different kind of pheromones, but only when she's looking for a new consort. And she has been busy, indeed! :P