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Inks and colors next! It's time to finally meet the Breeder Queen again... and her daily clutch. Looks like she's pretty comfy in her new "Throne Room" :P

And yes, that Breeder on the right side of the page is a "new" kind of Breeder we never saw before, like some kind of "Royal bodyguard", way stronger and ferocious than a regular Breeder drone.




Ohhh, now this is interesting. Now, A question forefront on my mind is, with regards to these bodyguards, are they "new" in the sense of newly created since the planetfall occurred? Or new in the sense that we/Vodka have never seen them before.

Merrick Rose

It was at this moment Vodka knew... She fucked up.


Oh damn I love this comic, but mostly xpray


I'm afraid to ask what that big veiny thing shes standing on


Royal bodyguards must have even bigger balls to be around the breeder queen alot more, hopefully the next few pages proves that theory right >.=.>

Fleur Dryke

If you've ever seen Aliens, that's likely the giant egg sac that even the xenomorph queen uses.

Fleur Dryke

That is a LOT of eggs.

Julian Hartmann

Hm, so the foot being put down on the last page wasn't the queens (since she would've kicked herself in the ovipositor), but one of her bodyguard's. But darn, look at her. Wonder how Adam ever managed to got tired of that. Almost an achievement. So, have those breeders around since the beginnig but remained unseen? Since breeding with Adam results in Type-B breeders? Speaking of that, who fathered the alpha?

Julian Hartmann

Judging from this picture, it may still be possible that they have no legs and are instead moving by bouncing on their genitals like hop balls, South Park style.


Damn queen is thick ❤️❤️❤️


Who indeed did father the other breeders.....? *crosses arms and stokes beard*


"New" in the sense that we (and the comic's protagonists) have never seen them before :) Basically, any Breeder who has fulfilled his breeding purposes ends up becoming a "Warrior" and switching to a more "defensive" role, taking care of the hive and protecting the youngest Breeders or the Queen.


Exactly! Ovipositor kicking though... ow ow ;_; Mmhm, those "Warrior Breeders" have always been around, remaining unseen (until now). Keep in mind we have never been so close to the Queen in her -now- natural habitat :P The Queen lays an alpha egg once every XXX years, so basically a new alpha appears after she finds a new consort. In this case, the alpha we saw in Episode III comes from the Queen's previous relationship, so we don't know who his father is.


They come from the Queen's previous relationship! I'm planning to draw a prequel comic about the Queen's origins and the adventures she has been living for centuries, so sooner or later we'll find out who her previous -lucky- consort was :D Hint: Probably a lizard, a dragon or something like that.


Are youre it’s not a certain space pirate tiger with horns with a pension for very tall, very voluptuous scalely type ladies. LoL. 😝


Haha! Something tells me he's too busy with Aurenn! 83