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Colors! Looks like Bukka's Breeder instinct is winning so far... Will Kang's body be able to resist such a strong corruption? He still has to provide the most important ingredient for a possible cure.

The next page will show Kang's more active side. As I said, don't worry about body proportions getting too crazy, her belly won't grow much bigger than that.

Also, this path is close to its completion (for Act 1). I can't wait to start drawing Act 2, which will -finally- feature Vodka and the Breeder Queen!

Feedback is always welcome and it helps me to improve this project! Don't be shy to share your thoughts about this page or ask anything related to the story, characters, etc. :)




How big CAN a Queen get just from being pregnant and how can she get and hold so many eggs inside?


The Breeder Queen develops an eggs sack with the time (as we saw in Episode II). It's still uncertain if Bukka has that ability now, but we'll find out in Act 2.

Julian Hartmann

Fact A: Kang loves corrupted woman Fact B: He's about to contribute to a cure for corruption Fact C: If the cure works, he won't have any more sex with corrupted females Calculating of the most logical course of action considering Facts A, B and C: In Progress ←

Fake Name

> As I said, don't worry about body proportions getting too crazy, her belly won't grow much bigger than that. Awwww, bigger is better!


I think it can go bigger. It won't be overkill.


"won't grow much bigger than that" Aww! I'm loving the Bukka Belly! :c Is a very nice page though, the perspective/pregspective is gorgeous!


Well, I for one don't mind her stomach getting bigger. She's very beautiful in this form. :)

Julian Hartmann

He only said her belly won't grow much bigger... Maybe we'll have more luck with her huge tracts of land?

Sierra Teylaas

That last panel is just a what heaven looks like!


Oh, her corruption -and gestation- still has to progress in the next act (specially in one of the paths), so her belly is going to grow a bit more. ;D It won't reach what I'd call "hyper category", but it'll be generously sized!