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Since "Breeding Pact" is close to its completion (final Page this month, followed by the cover next month), I'm starting to wonder what new secondary projects I should begin next while I also work on Last Survivor: Final Episode (which is still my main project and it has a lot of story left).

Out of curiousity: What have you been enjoying more so far? Last Survivor or Breeding Pact?

And now, poll stuff: Which ones of these secondary projects would you like to see the most, while I also work on Last Survivor? I have MANY plans in mind, so there'll be surprises that don't appear in this poll (like "Ask my characters" pictures, colored sketches, 3D models and many more).



If we had to tell which comic (Last Survivor/Breeding Pact) I'd have to go with Last Survivor cause it has all the things I love in it!


Honestly, I’ve enjoyed Breeding Pact a lot more than LS, mostly because I’m kind of late on the plot and so I don’t get the same impact as other readers. But kinks are what keep me interested. ;)


I'll admit, at first LS was not very big for me mostly because of the pregnancy and 'breeding' aspects were never huge kinks for me, but it has really grown on me as its developed. I came for some of the early beasty blowjobs, and ffm beasty sex, and I stayed for the characters. These last episodes are really putting me on the edge of my seat.


I love Breeding Pact. It's pretty amazing, though Last Survivor is absolutely amazing, too. Mainly the alien breeder nonsense. x3

Sebastian delaBarra

I hoping to see more animations from ya. From what I saw so far from the Last Survivor project, it was pretty decent (though could be smoother :P) Also I like to see yer hand at trying 3d models, it might be interesting to translate your art skills from 2d to 3d.


I enjoyed Breeding Pact more, loved all the characters in it

Al Truist

Breeding pact was neat, even if it wasn't my kind of kink. I also like the simpler presentation of it than I am for Last Survivor. Personally I'm just a little bit excited about the COYA+Animation+Flash game like nature of the project; I worry that it will drag out the production for such a long time and keep you from doing smaller projects. I also imagine that it must be so stressful worrying about those various aspects on top of any additional work you do. But you've put so much time and love into this project that I'm happy with what you're doing, I just hope to see smaller stories and more "basic" pictures soon


I like Breeding Pact better, just 'cause I personally prefer my porn to not have action-movie-level danger in them.

Sierra Teylaas

Big fan of LS because the characters and the story have such a depth to it because of how long its been going.

Nathan Smith

I enjoyed Breeding pact, mostly because I'm a sucker to intimate smut. Really enjoyed how those two acted in that series.

Fleur Dryke

Last survivor by far. Honestly, it hits a lot of my buttons and to be absolutely honest, wish some of it would happen to me.


i like both alot but theres more of last survivor so ill choose that

Julian Hartmann

I prefer Last Survivor, but that's mostly because you managed to combine a lot of stuff I like, probably by accident: -sci-fi setting -a gorgous female taller than any male in the cast in the breeder queen - a shark - more sharks - a male character with harem ambition - equine members - scenes with questionable consent - corruption! Really, the only thing that's missing is incest. (Any chance Olga and Vodka's mother will show up?) I still like Breeding pact a lot, just not quite as much. For the poll, I'd really like you to try your hand on animation. You already showed you're interested in the art with the mini animations in the Flash game. I certainly wouldn't mind a short loop of any of your female characters relieving theirselves of breast milk or the like.

Tashi Gibson

Haha... so hard to choose between the two. LS is pretty damn hot just because I love this setting so much as well as the characters. Breeding Pact was also nice even though it had such a much simpler premise. :D And with your art style, it's hard to go wrong anyways. :D


yeah more breeding pact i liked this alot ;)


i loved both in different ways. the characters and extended lewd scenes with breeding pact were great but i also love the ongoing last survivor. has lots of cool concepts and stuff i like.


Breeding pact was like perfect :)


I enjoy both. But if I have to choose one, I'd say Breeding Pact.


I personally enjoy A or B type content that have some sort of story, animations are kind of boring in general to me I guess :s