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Sorry for the lack of news these days. I am working my ass off to be not only a better artist but to be able to pay my medical bills.

Good news tho! With the help of a friend I am learning animation and also will be hiring an animator for RE:MILF. So no more still pics!

I'm also animating Dexter's mom ( only 1 scene for now ) for learning purposes.

As for Cyberslut, working on it made me realized that finishing it just for the heck of finishing it wouldn't do! I ended up adding some new things and I am currently trying to make the game better and a bit more exciting. Animations MIGHT come for it in the future.

I will be releasing a new Beta at the end of the week. Android Beta and Cheat mode version on the Monday after that.

Hope you guys will like it!

My health is getting better, I just have another surgery next month and if there are no complications after that I'll be good as new!

Thanks to all those who support me and like my work! You guys mean a lot to me.



I'm glad you are on your way to getting better. That's also really cool news about adding more features to the games; the animation and extras sound really exciting. Looking forward to all of that. P.s. do make sure that your health will still always be the priority; there's only one you and that means you're irreplaceable. ^^


Thanks! I wasn't satisfied with rushing cyberslut for the sake of moving on. So I'm remaking the story bits and adding some new stuff.


Thank you for your support as always ;) Works keeps me busy... it's that or be in pain the whole day lol.