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I just got that nasty thing removed from me! What a day! I just came back and spent a lot just on bandages and the drugs I need to take until the opening heals. I need to hire a nurse to take care of me and at the end of the month go see a doctor for check up about my condition and probably schedule another surgery to remove any left overs...

I will continue to work on Cyberslut this month and have it ready asap! Thank you so much to all my supporters and patrons! 


Joel Hernandez

Get well and dont push your self


Take your time to recover. Your health is most important. (A lesson I had to learn myself recently after having my appendix removed.)


Right now your recovery is more important than getting your games done. We can wait.


Thank god your fine mate and ohhh a private nurse...lewd thoughts intensive


Thanks! I wish it was just an appendix XD but unfortunately I'm going to have to go to check ups after I heal. And the bills aren't pretty lol.


Thank you for your support matthew! Unfortunately I need to keep working since the bills are getting pretty high. I'll do my best not to overwork ;)


Awe, no fun.